Photo courtesy of Paul Nye and Panfoto
Name: Brad Dains
Board Responsibilities: President/Sycamore 8 Race Director/Website/Email Blast/Communications/Joke Teller
When/Why did you start running? 2004 when I hit 320 lbs
What race distances have you completed? 5k to 93 miles during the 24 Hour Equalizer Endurance Run
Favorite race distance: 50 Mile
Favorite Capital Striders race: Loop The Lake, Maffitt, Capital Pursuit, & Sycamore 8...Seems objective, right? :)
Favorite Non-CS race: Dam to Dam or Equalizer Endurance Run
Dogs or Cats: I prefer dogs but have a cat
Favorite post race indulgence: Chicken wings and and ice cold micro brew
Pasta, rice or "other" carb source for carb loading: Pizza and a beer
One pre-race ritual: Laying out all of my gear and nutrition out 2-3 nights before race day then taking picture. It's weird...I know
Favorite piece of gear: My UVU Racing Gillet, Nathan Endurance race vest and Suunto Ambit2 R
Craziest/funniest thing you've seen during a race or run: I tend to run out on country roads and have found lots of cool (and useless) stuff. I've also had bottles of tobacco spit, fireworks and insults thrown at me...So that's cool :)