In accordance with the Capital Striders Club by-laws, we officially announce the 2024 Board of Directors election. Our 2024 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, March 22. You must be a current Capital Striders member to vote and your membership number will be required.
There are two open positions on the Board of Directors - and we offer up our sincere appreciation to Mel Urick and David Puller for their service to the club as they leave their official roles on the Board.
We asked our new candidates a few questions to help you learn a little about each of them. (Candidates are listed in no particular order.) Here are their answers:
Vanessa Gray -
What area(s) of the club would you focus on as a Board Member? Some examples are: membership, scholarship, equipment, club races, newsletter/social media, merchandise, social functions, bookkeeping/financials, volunteer coordination, training runs, etc.
I’m open to everything, but sponsorships would not be a strength. I can’t sell running shoes to a runner.
What special skills or experience would you bring to the Board?
I have heard from people who used to run with the Striders but no longer do so because “the people were unfriendly.” This makes me sad because I have had a positive experience with the Capital Striders. There is an opportunity to change that perception and invite those people back to the club.
I would also like to foster engagement with other sports clubs. For example, several Capital Striders members are also involved in triathlons. There is an opportunity here for cross-training between club members.
Finally, the average age of the club members is becoming more “experienced in life.” I’d love to invite and engage some high school and young adult runners with the Capital Striders.
How have you been involved with the Capital Striders in the past?
I moved to Des Moines in 2010 and started running with the Capital Striders. I’m unsure of the year when I became a member.
Tell us about yourself - work, family, running experience, civic activities - anything you would like people to know.
I live in Adel, Iowa, with my husband (Jeff), two dogs (Chester and Olive), and a cat (Willow). In September, I will be a first-time grandma. I enjoy visiting breweries, reading, playing games and puzzles, and working in my garden.
For work, I am the Director of Continuing Medical Education at Des Moines University. I have been there for almost 14 years.
My running journey began in junior high because my Dad couldn’t pick me up when school ended. To occupy my time, he recommended that I join the track team. I continued to run track and cross country in junior and high school. In college, I was a Division 1 cross country and track athlete at the University of Utah.
Since 2018, my husband and I are triathletes. We enjoy the multi-sport and do several triathlons every year. Last year, I did my first (and second) Ultra.
What is your biggest motivation to get out the door for a run, on the days you just don’t want to?
Now that I’m in my 40s, my biggest motivation is general health. But I genuinely enjoy running. There is satisfaction in completing a run. My favorite time to run is when the sun rises in the morning. Running and triathlon training also gives me the chance to listen to a lot of books (196 books in 2023) and podcasts (How I Built This is my favorite).
Tim Schott
1. What area(s) of the club would you focus on as a Board Member? Some examples are: membership, scholarship, equipment, club races, newsletter/social media, merchandise, social functions, bookkeeping/financials, volunteer coordination, training runs, etc.
Happy to help with membership and certainly to support training runs and races.
2. What special skills or experience would you bring to the Board?
No special skills. Just been running myself and chasing my 3 daughters around this city for the past 30 years. But, I have been involved with Des Moines Public Schools in multiple roles over the years and definitely have a connection there if engaging the youth and their families is helpful.
3. How have you been involved with the Capital Striders in the past?
Joined off and on for many years before figuring out how to become a sustaining member. Ran races here and there, joined some Saturday runs and did about 5 years of Thursday workouts at Roosevelt but not much, actively, besides appreciating that Striders existed and cheering on the club from a distance.
4. Tell us about yourself - work, family, running experience, civic activities - anything you would like people to know.
Have worked as a teacher, principal, and district leader in Des Moines Public Schools and been running the streets and trails of DSM since we moved here in the early 90's. Raised 3 runner daughters with my spouse, Kathy. Highlight runs have been marathon mentoring a high school student through KidStriders, Relay Iowa, Market to Market, a few Dam to Dams, some Grand Blue Miles, and absolutely every run with my daughters, their friends, and their coaches.
5. What is your biggest motivation to get out the door for a run, on the days you just don’t want to?
Running has always served as the "balance" in my life. I feel better and show up for those I love if I keep churning the miles.
Vanessa Gray
Tim Schott